
Today, my second full day of working out, wasn’t as hard as I thought. I was ridiculously sore from the Jillian Michael’s 30 day shred I did last night, but I still managed 45 minutes on the treadmill/elliptical. I experimented with my mom on some recipes tonight that I found on pinterest— so good!! I uploaded a few and I will upload more later. I mayyy be turning into a foodie. I love it 🙂

First Post!

I think that life is all about balance. Having fun, family, friends, work, health, most importantly- God. I am in the point in my life where I am rediscovering who I am. I just graduated from college a few months ago, and I am officially a working woman! I am starting this blog for a few reasons. The number one reason would be to hold myself accountable with what I eat and how much I work out. My goal is to lose 25 pounds. I don’t have an endpoint, or a date, I just want to get back to where I was when I left for college. I think that having a support system around you can help more than anything. Secondly, I want a place to vent. I want to be able to get things off my chest. Finally, I want to learn. I want to find other blogs that interest me and expand my knowledge a little. I want to find recipes, DIY projects, you name it! I am not starting this for anyone except myself, so I’m sure I will have people come and go, but that is fine. Here’s to a new chapter of life.. and a new me! 🙂